Ceremonial inauguration
Can we protect ourselves against Alzheimer's disease?
Prof. Maria Barcikowska
9:00 – 10:45
Sesion I
A positive approach to Alzheimer’s care and other forms of dementia.
Teepa Snow (USA)
10:45 – 11:15
Coffee break
11:15 – 13:15
Sesion II
On the other side of the mirror: Do we properly understand what we see? Experiences of people living with dementia.
Moderator: Teepa Snow
Living with dementia
Dr. Jennifer Bute
Advanced Dementia: Towards Best Practice
Prof. Debbie Tolson
Decision making on behalf of people with advanced dementia
Jayne Murphy
My inner voice speaks your words. Language in building a care partnership.
Leszek Guga (Poland)
14:00 – 15:45
Sesion III
One’s environment matters: What can we do to minimize the negative symptoms of disease and to improve both quality of life and the comfort of caregiving?
Moderator: prof. Debbie Tolson
3 Pounds of Hope
Sarah Brown (USA)
Creating a Safe and Friendly Environment: How it Affects Abilities and Behaviors
Teepa Snow (USA)
15:45 – 16:15
Coffee break
16:15 – 17:45
Sesion IV
Talking Alzheimer’s with a specialist: Do we know a cure?
Moderator: prof. Piotr Błędowski
Alzheimer’s Disease – Early diagnosis and therapeutic suport|
Prof. Maria Barcikowska (Poland)
The importance of nutrition in the management of dementia
Dr. Agnieszka Guligowska (Poland)
Integration evening dinner
CT PARK, ul. Szosa Bydgoska 3, Toruń
9:00 – 12:00
Sesion V
Good practices in care for people living with dementia.
Comprehensive care for people living with dementia in an institution
Agnieszka Cysewska (Poland)
Compassionate Communities as an opportunity to integrate care for people with dementia and their relatives in Poland and Eastern Europe
Dr. Piotr Krakowiak (Poland)
Evaluating the Alzheimer’s 75 voucher
Dr. Beata Bugajska (Poland)
My inner voice speaks your words. Language in building a care partnership.
Leszek Guga (Poland)
Systemic challenges for an aging Poland
Anna Kozieł (Poland)
Care solutions for people with urinary incontinence in long-term care institutions
Hanna Szymkiewicz (Poland)
Coordinated home care for people leaving with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia and their caregivers
Barbara Łukawska (Poland)
One’s own home or an institution – tough choices for caregivers
Dr. Justyna Mazurek, Dr. Dorota Szcześniak (Poland)
Frailty syndrome as one of the great geriatric problems. Managing Frailty. A comprehensive approach to promote a disability-free advanced age in Europe: the ADVANTAGE initiative.
Dr. Ewa Kądalska (Poland)